Supported by Celebrating Courage
Domestic Abuse & Sexual Assualt Intervention
Newton, New Jersey
The staff of DASI believes in the strength of survivors and begins by helping them to believe in themselves. Many survivors are unaware that they have shown strength and courage in coping with their situations, in protecting their children, or by simply staying alive. Philosophically, DASI is built on the cornerstones of victim safety and offender accountability within a framework of empowerment. Survivors can only make informed decisions about their lives when they feel safe when they are aware of their options, and when they know they are not alone. Offenders can only change when they take responsibility for their actions and behaviors.
The Open Gate
Wilmington, North Carolina
We believe that domestic violence is a pattern of domination in which perpetrators intentionally choose to cause fear, injury, and/or pain in order to gain and maintain power and control over their intimate partners or family members. Physical harm is only one method used to gain control. Other tactics may include, but are not limited to, isolation, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, intimidation, economic abuse or threats of abuse, and stalking.
Our guiding principle is empowerment; this emphasizes regaining power from within, instead of seeking approval and power from outside sources. When survivors can individually and collectively reclaim their own power and live lives free of fear and violence, we all, as a society, benefit.